About St. Andrew’s Knights of Columbus

We were founded in 1961 by a group of brothers from St. Andrew’s Church. Initially we didn’t have a council home, but in 1964, through the hard work of many members and a group of 10 brothers who put their homes up as collateral, we began construction on our home on Morrisey Ave.

Meet our Officers

The officers are elected to by our membership to lead the council for the columbian year.

Grand Knight

Mike Daley

The grand knight is the chief executive officer of the council. He is responsible for setting council goals and ensuring that all officers fulfill their duties in reaching these objectives. He presides over all meetings; appoints program and committee directors as needed and fills officer roles in the event of vacancies; countersigns checks and orders for payment; and is responsible for the council’s First Degree Team. Ideally, the grand knight should be a junior so that as a senior he can serve as a mentor for the next grand knight.

Deputy Grand Knight

Bill Unger

The deputy grand knight serves as the grand knight’s right hand man and should fill in for the grand knight when he is not present. Additionally, the deputy grand knight will likely lead a committee, or multiple, if he chooses to do so. Some deputy grand knights serve as their council’s program director. Ultimately, he assists the grand knight in leading the council and reaching council objectives. In some councils, the deputy grand knight role might be used to groom a possible grand knight candidate for the following year. Finally, the deputy grand knight may serve as a liaison between the council and other groups that share similar interest.


Tom Botti, PGK

The chancellor assists both the grand and deputy grand knights in the leading of the council by engaging and strengthening the council’s members. His primary responsibilities include both recruiting and retaining members and to this end he should set up different events that display the different values and principles of the Knights of Columbus. The chancellor should participate in the council’s degree team and should serve on both the Admission and Retention Committees.

Financial Secretary

Frank Buczynski, PGK

The Financial Secretary is appointed by the Supreme Knight upon recommendation of his council. His responsibilities include maintaining all financial and membership records. He collects and receives all monies, including annual dues from council members. He handles supply orders for the council officers and members, filing the Report of Officers, and submitting all transactions to the Supreme Council.

Recording Secretary

John Hugelmeyer, PGK

The Recorder's job duties are similar to a court reporter or a secretary. He is responsible for maintaining a true record of all actions and meetings of the council, which he records in a ledger, as well as any council correspondence with outside parties.


Joe Kraus, PGK

The Treasurer is responsible for the safe-keeping and maintaining records of all council funds and accounts. He is responsible for depositing money into the council's accounts and provides a certificate of such monies to the grand knight. He is also responsible for the payment of all expenses.


Frank Pelzman, PGK

The advocate acts as council parliamentarian. He should be knowledgeable in Robert's Rules of Order and Methods of Conducting a Council Meeting (#1937). He may seek legal assistance from the state advocate, should issues arise. The advocate should be able to take on additional responsibilities as the council deems necessary.


David Kearny

The Warden is the material control manager for council property and degree paraphernalia, except the property of the financial secretary, treasurer, and recorder. He is also responsible for setting up the council chambers for meetings and ceremonial work. During ceremonial exemplifications, the warden will appoint and supervise guards.


Michael Caracappa

The Inside/Outside Guards have similar responsibilities. They tend to the entrance of the council chamber, admitting visitors and members to the inner door. They are responsible for assisting the Warden with checking for membership cards and in preparing the hall for meetings and events.


Javier Huerta

The Inside/Outside Guards have similar responsibilities. They tend to the entrance of the council chamber, admitting visitors and members to the inner door. They are responsible for assisting the Warden with checking for membership cards and in preparing the hall for meetings and events.

Our Montly Bulletins

We issue a monthly bulletin for our members and family and friends.
March 2025

March 2025

February 2025

February 2025

January 2025

January 2025

December 2024

December 2024

November 2024

November 2024

October 2024

October 2024

Get in Touch with Us

Contact our Council

Find us at our Council Home

109 Morrisey Ave, Avenel, NJ 07001

Give us a ring


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